Civil Design for New Nature Center – Salt Fork State Park – ODNR/Domokur Architects – Lore City, Ohio
ODNR desired siting and construction of a new 3,000 square foot building, an open-air pavilion, trails, and parking lot at Salt Fork State Park. STONE, as subconsultant to Domokur Architects, completed the survey and developed the base map. Site civil design included grading, layout, rain garden design, drainage, parking lot upgrades, and concrete and asphalt trails. Submittal stages included Schematic Design, Design Development, and Construction Documents. STONE also completed the design for the wastewater utility, involving a lift station, gravity sewer and force main, and connection to the existing on-site wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Specifications (CSI/CSC MasterFormat) were developed for the design components completed by STONE. The permit to install (PTI) for the WWTP connection from Ohio EPA and stormwater Notice of Intent (NOI) was also obtained by STONE.