BRO-221 Bridge Design – ODOT / Woolpert – Georgetown, Ohio

ODOT determined that there is a need to replace the three-span (60-ft, 75-ft, 60-ft), continuous, composite steel beam bridge on concrete abutments and drilled shaft piers carrying SR-221 over White Oak Creek. The primary driving factor for this project is a need to address significant scour within the stream which has increased the unbraced length of the piers and has caused erosion at the forward abutment, despite slope protection efforts previously implemented. As a subconsultant to Woolpert, STONE completed the bridge Alternatives Evaluation Report (AER) for the alternative of keeping the bridge on existing alignment, conceptual maintenance of traffic (MOT), structure type study, and the bridge design alternative report and cost summary. Due to the cost savings from the tasks assigned, STONE was retained to also complete the preliminary R/W plans for the project.

Stone Environmental does great work. I’ve referred Mary Sharrett to many communities who need HTRW Investigations.