Environmental Clearance Documentation and Ecological Survey Reports – ODOT – Washington & Monroe Counties, Ohio

STONE was retained to complete eighteen Level 1 Ecological Surveys for culvert replacements on behalf of ODOT District 10 which included Washington and Monroe Counties. STONE also completed the Categorical Exclusion (CE) documents for the projects, encompassing Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) Screening, Environmental Justice, Cultural Resources, Air and Noise, Farmland, Floodplain, Public Involvement and other required documentation.

This project was on a fast-track schedule – field work began within a week of authorization and property owner notifications were issued immediately. All 18 reports were reviewed and approved by the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) Office of Environmental Services (OES) within two weeks. The CE document was approved 26 days ahead of schedule, even with floodplain and permit determination coordination. With STONE’s efficiencies in the field and reporting aspects, our project fees were 20% under budget, providing ODOT a significant cost savings. STONE also provided added benefit to the design engineer and ODOT by conveying information, such as incorrect latitude/longitude identifications and noting where a culvert had already been replaced, which affected the project and design.

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“The work was done well and on time and we appreciate it and will definitely keep you in mind on future projects.”