Environmental & Ecological Services for FRA-Kitzmiller Roundabout – New Albany, Ohio
The Franklin County Engineer’s Office initiated roadway improvements involving installing a modern roundabout to the existing Morse and Kitzmiller Roads intersection and replacing the existing bridge over Blacklick Creek. Since the Blacklick Creek is listed as a Group 1 stream in the Ohio Mussel Protocol, and freshwater mussel species Pyganodon grandis (giant floater), Anodontoides ferussacianus (cylindrical papershell), and Lampsilis radiata luteola (fat mucket) were previously recorded, STONE was retained to complete the required mussel survey and associated waterway permitting for the project. Environmental/ecological services provided by STONE included: 1) completion of an ODOT Level 1 Ecological Survey to identify resources and habitat within the project area and submittal of the appropriate Ecological Survey Report; 2) submittal of a Waterway Permit Determination Request package to ODOT for review; 3) assistance determining whether site impacts exceeded the USACE Nationwide Permit (NWP) limits and if a Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) would be required; 4) completion of delineation field work in anticipation of completing a Preliminary Waters/Wetland Delineation Report to accompany potential NWP PCN submittals; 5) assistance submitting categorical exclusion (CE) Level 2 documentation for the project.