Former Gas Station Site Investigation and Remediation – South Solon, Ohio
STONE completed a post closure assessment for an underground storage tank (UST) system that was removed in the early 1990s. At that time no soil or groundwater sampling or reporting was completed. Residual petroleum hydrocarbons above the acceptable limits were discovered in the soil and groundwater beneath the former dispensing island during investigations conducted by STONE. The soil and groundwater contamination were delineated and the groundwater flow gradient was determined. STONE worked closely with the Client and the Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations (BUSTR) to design a cost effective solution to address the contamination.
An Interim Response Action (IRA) was performed consisting of a dig and haul operation followed by quarterly groundwater monitoring. The excavated soils were removed and disposed at a petroleum contaminated soil recycling center. Soil and ground-water concentrations were ultimately determined to be below action levels, and a No Further Action was obtained from BUSTR.