Groundwater Sampling – Two Private Residences – AEP – Dundee, Ohio and Glencoe, Ohio
In order to ensure construction did not affect water quality for two rural homes (one in Dundee, Ohio, the other in Glencoe, Ohio), STONE was asked to collect water samples from drinking water sources for two rural residences near an AEP construction project. Groundwater samples were collected pre- and post-construction. Groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for trihalomethanes (EPA Method 524.2), volatile organic compounds (VOCs – EPA Method 524.2, semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs – EPA Method 525.2), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs – EPA Method 5050), eight Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) heavy metals by EPA Methods 200.8 and 245.1), nitrate/nitrite (EPA Method 353.2), and total coliform (EPA Method 9223B). Results were compared to Ohio EPA drinking water standards.