Inadvertent Return Plan for Utility Installation Directional Drilling – West Jefferson, Madison County, Ohio
STONE completed an Inadvertent Return Plan (aka “Frac-Out Plan”) for proposed Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) activities with a traverse path under Little Darby Creek, a State of Ohio Scenic River. Ohio EPA required the Inadvertent Return Plan to focus on preventing unintentional return of drilling fluids into ecological resources, and ensuring all construction activities will not directly or indirectly impact resources. A site visit by STONE reviewed a large wetland area and several other smaller waterways within the project area. STONE reviewed sanitary force main and public water improvement construction plans, created site plans with established dewatering areas, drill pits, and staging. Best management practices were also developed, including defining monitoring, communication, control measures, and notification procedures. The Plan was approved by Ohio EPA, finalizing the permitting process and allowing the project to move forward with construction.