Shooting Range Lead Investigation – ODNR Killbuck Marsh Wildlife Area – Wayne County, Ohio
As a result of suspected off-site shot disposal, STONE conducted investigations at the Killbuck Marsh Wildlife Area hand-trap shooting range. Initial sampling at this shooting range indicated that lead concentrations in the soil on the property and on adjacent properties may have exceeded hazard waste thresholds. To better define the limits of the contamination, STONE investigated the area using a grid system. A series of samples from grid sections at varying depths were composited, tested, and analyzed to determine the extent of contamination. One of the properties was identified as having potential contamination within ponded waters. Additional dredge sampling was utilized for the near-surface sediment.
STONE’s assessment revealed that approximately 2.8 acres had lead concentrations above Ohio EPA allowable residential lead levels. Recommendations were made for a soil management plan to be developed. The soil management plan was designed to prevent lead from leaching into the soil by applying lime applications to maintain a certain soil pH level. This objective contained a three-step process including assessing the soil for appropriate loading for lime applications, distributing the lime application, and providing follow-up sampling to assess lead mobility. The soil management plan was facilitated by ODNR personnel based on US EPA Synthetic Leaching Procedure guidelines and conforms to Ohio State University Extension Office recommendations.