Limited Phase I ESA and Vapor Intrusion Study – Central Ohio Transit Authority (COTA) – Columbus, Ohio

STONE conducted a Limited Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) and Vapor Intrusion Study with a focus on trichloroethylene (TCE). Ohio EPA requested that the Property conditions be assessed to ensure concentrations of TCE meet the new federally mandated indoor air levels. The ESA identified two potential sources of TCE from former Property uses – a dry cleaner and an automotive repair facility. The vapor intrusion study focused on these areas on the Property. STONE personnel installed five soil borings, collected soil samples, and collected soil gas samples using Summa canisters. The laboratory results were compared to Ohio EPA Voluntary Action Program (VAP) commercial/industrial indoor air standards due to vapor intrusion, the U.S. EPA Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (VISL) Calculator for commercial and residential near-source gas concentrations, and Ohio EPA’s August 2016 “Guidance Document Recommendations Regarding Response Action Levels and Timeframes for Common Contaminants of Concerns at Vapor Intrusion Sites in Ohio.”

“We are pleased with your team’s responsiveness and plan design efforts on ROS-23-19.46 intersection improvement project.  Keep up the good work!”