Manufacturing Facility Source Water Protection Site Assessment – City of Dayton – Dayton, Ohio

STONE was contracted by the City of Dayton, Water Department, Division of Environmental Management to conduct a site visit to perform a source water protection assessment for the facility, which is located within the City of Dayton’s Source Water Protection Area (SWPA). The facility produces a common food additive by utilizing the production processes of fermentation, filtration, liquid extraction, activated carbon absorption, and crystallization. The facility stored most raw material and finished product outside in aboveground storage tanks (ASTs). The assessment focused on potential sources of contamination to groundwater, which serves as the drinking water source to over 400,000 residents. Evaluation focused on storage tanks, water wells, adequacy of the facility’s Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan, and subfloor structures in the manufacturing area. STONE combined document review from various agencies with onsite observations to identify potential sources of groundwater contamination. STONE’s knowledge of manufacturing and storage practices as well as SPCC regulations enhanced the value of the assessment.

“STONE is an instrumental part of our team on the Portsmouth By-Pass Project: the 16-mile new construction project, which is the single largest project in ODOT history. This project has come with more than its share of environmental challenges. STONE has delivered over 30 full environmental clearance reviews and reports we have requested as part of the project, handling them from start to finish in a very timely & cost effective manner. Furthermore, they’ve proven themselves as an extremely valuable resource when it comes to consulting on mitigation efforts, hazardous materials, and resolving various unknown environmental situations that the project has encountered.


From the top down STONE has proven they are committed to excellence and we look forward to working with them on many projects in the future.”