Miller Avenue Phase I and Phase II ESA – Commercial Developer – Columbus, Ohio
STONE completed a Phase I and Phase II ESA for a corner property on Miller Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. The Phase I indicated the property had previously been developed as a gasoline service station from approximately 1927 to 1953 and, according to a Fire Insurance Map, a suspected dry cleaners was located on the property in 1932, along with a dry cleaners located adjacent to the Property from 1951 through 1991. As such a Phase II ESA was recommended. Four soil borings were advanced using direct-push drilling techniques to depths ranging from 15 to 20 feet below ground surface. The soil borings were continuously sampled and screened using a photoionization detector (PID) and soil samples from each boring were submitted for laboratory analysis of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) gasoline-range organics (GRO), diesel-range organics (DRO), and oil-range organics (ORO) by EPA Method 8015, along with polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) by EPA Method 8270, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by EPA Method 8260. A temporary monitoring well was installed in each of the borings in which saturation was encountered. The temporary wells were purged and one groundwater sample was collected from each temporary monitoring well and submitted to an accredited laboratory for analysis. The groundwater samples were analyzed for PAHs and VOCs. Upon receipt of laboratory results, STONE prepared a Phase II ESA report comparing detected analytical results with Ohio EPA Voluntary Action Program (VAP) single chemical soil direct contact standards for residential land use, commercial land use, and construction/excavation worker standards, along with Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulations (BUSTR) Closure action levels and soil Re-use action levels. Groundwater analytical results were compared with Ohio VAP unrestricted potable use standards (UPUS). Several VOCs and PAHs were detected in the soils, below VAP standards. Two VOCs were detected in the grab groundwater samples above UPUS. Based on the analytical results, STONE recommended additional sampling to verify the groundwater analytical results and included potential design considerations that could be utilized in the redevelopment of the property to mitigate any potential vapor intrusion issues as a result of VOCs detected in soils and groundwater.