Mosquito Creek Lake Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) Transfer Evaluation Study – ODNR – Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin, State of Ohio
In the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Interbasin Study (GLMRIS) Focus Area 2 Aquatic Pathway Assessment for Mosquito Creek Lake, dated May 2013, Mosquito Creek Lake was flagged as a potential avenue by which Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) could be transferred between the two major watersheds of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River. STONE performed the Transfer Evaluation Study at the Mosquito Creek Lake. The primary scope of the project was to determine if the connectivity exists for ANS transfer of four main species of concern, and where and when this connectivity exists between the two major watersheds.
Engineering analysis began with management of LiDAR data collected over 12 square miles as well as the use of ArcGIS. STONE developed stream bed profiles and cross sections to compare existing topography with potential flood elevations. Dam outlet flow velocities were also calculated and structures evaluated. The geospatial analysis (GIS) section of the report helped develop the primary goals for the project and helped best represent the final recommendations in the report. The contour data derived from the ODNR collected LiDAR data displayed elevations where a natural spillway site, connecting the Grand River and Mosquito Creek Lake, could flood and form a possible ANS pathway. Knowledge of the elevation data was essential in completing this project and through STONE’s knowledge of GIS, a thorough recommendation was able to be made to help the area’s watersheds and native wildlife.