NEPA Assessments – Various Locations

STONE was contracted to conduct NEPA Assessments for Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) projects for Veterans Administration Medical campuses (VAMC) in Texas, Michigan, and Louisiana. The assessments included collection of environmental, historical, and demographic data to assess the impact of proposed construction projects on VAMC campuses. The scope of the contract included:

  • Physical setting factors – Collected information that addressed wetlands and floodplains, soils and geology, hydrology and water quality, and vegetation and wildlife.
  • Existing site improvements – Obtained information about the site including property description and easements, overall facility aesthetics, air quality, solid waste, transportation and parking, and utilities. As part of each task, Stone Environmental reviewed information about the properties including the interior of the structures and an inventory of all information available about each of them (including old building plans, proposed improvements, etc.).
  • Community information – STONE collected information regarding local community services (police, fire, etc.), land use, noise regulations, documented controversies, and historic preservation issues. A review of the National Register of Historic Places was conducted to identify those sites with significant historical value, which were within the vicinity of the subject properties. A large search radius surrounding the subject properties was utilized, in order to identify those areas which were located outside of the general vicinity of the site.
  • Impact assessment – STONE prepared a worst case environmental impact matrix summary of the information collected above and identified those characteristics that may have impacted the environment with continued use of the sites. A Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) was determined for each site.

Related Projects

“STONE is an instrumental part of our team on the Portsmouth By-Pass Project: the 16-mile new construction project, which is the single largest project in ODOT history. This project has come with more than its share of environmental challenges. STONE has delivered over 30 full environmental clearance reviews and reports we have requested as part of the project, handling them from start to finish in a very timely & cost effective manner. Furthermore, they’ve proven themselves as an extremely valuable resource when it comes to consulting on mitigation efforts, hazardous materials, and resolving various unknown environmental situations that the project has encountered.


From the top down STONE has proven they are committed to excellence and we look forward to working with them on many projects in the future.”