ODNR Grand Lake St. Marys West Embankment and East Dam Spillway Rehabilitation and ANS Barrier Design – ODNR – Celina and St. Marys, Ohio
STONE provided survey, base mapping, plan preparation, and environmental services. This included a Topographic Survey of the project area, extending from the east side of the road 100 feet west of the toe of the dam, and preparation of base mapping in AutoCAD. The survey included the existing topographic features, readily observable and marked/located utilities (overhead and underground), and existing improvements within the project area.
Environmental services for the project included a Waters of the U.S. Delineation and Waterway Permitting. STONE conducted a delineation to determine the approximate location, boundaries, and areal extent of jurisdictional waters of the U.S. and non-jurisdictional (isolated) waters within the project area. All resources identified were assessed for quality by applying the Ohio Rapid Assessment Method (ORAM) for wetlands, Headwater Habitat Evaluation Index (HHEI) for smaller, headwater streams, and the Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI) for larger streams. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) threatened and endangered species list was reviewed and potential for habitat evaluated during the wetland delineation and correspondence with the ODNR Division of Wildlife was conducted. A report was prepared to summarize the procedures and results of the delineation and assessment which included mapping of identified streams, wetlands, and other water bodies. To meet the project construction schedule, STONE prepared and obtained approval for the Section 401/404 waterway permit application to the USACE.
At the east embankment outlet, STONE assisted DLZ with aquatic nuisance species (ANS) barrier options to aid in preventing the movement of ANS to the Great Lakes. STONE prepared an “ANS Conceptual barrier Design Alternatives Summary” report, considering positive-type and behavior-type barriers; passive and active cleaning alternatives, as well as comparison of screen and bar-type hydraulic and design capacities.