ODOT WAS-7-17.60 Phase I&II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) – Marietta, Ohio
This project represented the first investigations completed using ODOT’s newly developed Regulated Materials Review (RMR) Manual (July 2018). STONE was the prime consultant tasked with developing the RMR guidance manual for ODOT, for which we received consistently positive praise for its “logical, clear, and standardized” presentation. Following the completion of the RMR Assessments (new ODOT terminology for Phase I ESA) the project was recommended for RMR Investigation (new ODOT terminology for Phase II ESA).
STONE conducted the RMR (Phase I ESA) of two properties slated for total take as part of a two-lane resurfacing including, access management, corridor improvement, and drainage improvement. The sites’ land uses were considered “High Risk” due to being identified within or immediately adjacent to project limits on the Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulation (BUSTR) Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) database and Ohio Spills database. STONE reviewed historical records, conducted a regulatory database search, completed a regulatory agency file review, conducted interviews with site representatives and local officials, and completed reconnaissance of the sites. Information revealed during the Phase I ESA resulted in Phase II recommendations for both Sites based on prior usage as automotive service stations and the existence of past and present USTs and ASTs.
STONE subcontracted a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) company to survey the ground of both Sites to locate the suspected UST systems and other underground anomalies (i.e., septic systems). dependent on GPR survey results soil borings were installed at up to 30 feet below ground surface (bgs) at each Site. Photoionization detector (PID) readings were taken every two feet of soil sampled, and a soil sample with the highest PID reading from each boring were submitted for laboratory analysis. Two borings with the overall highest PID readings (for each Site) were converted to 1-inch diameter temporary groundwater monitoring wells, and groundwater grab samples were collected from each well for analysis. Soil and groundwater samples were analyzed for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) using EPA Method 8260, semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) using EPA Method 8270, and total lead using EPA Method 6010B. No evidence of petroleum soil contamination was encountered during the RMR investigation. All laboratory analytical results were below BUSTR and VAP action limits. Total lead concentrations in the groundwater sample were above the VAP drinking water action limit, but since no drinking water wells were present and groundwater will not be used for drinking water, no further investigation was recommended. Based on the existence of possible and confirmed USTs at the properties, STONE recommended that Removal Specifications be included in the Demolition Design Plans.