SPCC and Environmental Audits– Various, Ohio
Schafer Oil is a bulk oil distributor and owner of several service stations and convenience stores located in Ohio. STONE has been the company’s environmental representative since 2000 and has assisted the company with various Bureau of Underground Storage Tank Regulation (BUSTR) projects as well as storm water management issues. For this project, STONE completed Environmental Audits of Bulk Stations. As part of an assessment of the need for Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plans at the sites, STONE audited each property to determine the amounts of fuel and oil that are stored at each location, the type and condition of spill containment that was employed, the training of the persons who work at each site, and the type and extent of spill response equipment that was present at each. SPCC plans were developed for each site, and containment options proposed and implemented at each to meet federal and state requirements.