Spring Valley Shooting Range – Septic System and Water Treatment System Design – ODNR
ODNR Division of Wildlife desired to improve the Spring Valley Shooting Range with two new structures with restroom facilities, one for a training classroom and one for the Spring Valley Shooting Range. STONE anticipated the need for additional sewer treatment capacity to account for the addition of an approximately 8,500 square feet of new building. STONE was also asked to address the existing potable water supply well’s ability to provide sufficient service to the new buildings, and the presence of a strong sulfur odor in the well water.
Water System Design included:
- New Treatment System for an existing Public Water System (PWS)
- OEPA PWS Plan Submittal, Transient Non-community
- Coordination with County Health Department
- Pump test, water testing
- Design for pump, pressure tank, chlorination, filtration, water softening
- Addressed water odor concerns
- Specifications
On-Site Septic Design included:
- Flow calculations
- Sanitary design for new building
- Force main design
- Pump, lift station, control panel
- Tie into existing system
- Specifications
- Worked with ODNR for consistency in designs between park facilities