Statewide Environmental Permitting Task Order Contract – ODNR – Various, Ohio
STONE was retained by the ODNR to provide Statewide Environmental Permitting as part of a Task Order contract. For one task order contract, ODNR planned to redevelop a State Park Lodge Golf Course and Marina to a campground facility. New camping facilities and associated infrastructure, designed and constructed in phases, were to be located on the approximate 272-acre property. STONE provided a wetland and stream delineation, rare plant species survey, cultural resource investigation coordination, as well as coordination with ODNR and regulatory agencies. STONE subsequently prepared an after-the-fact permit to the USACE and Ohio EPA for impacts which occurred to natural resources prior to agency coordination. This permit also addressed floodplain, threatened and endangered species, and cultural resource concerns.
Since waterway permitting was the driving force on this particular project, STONE delineated the approximate location, boundaries, and areal extent of jurisdictional waters of the U.S. and isolated waters on the site. The Preliminary Jurisdictional Waters Delineation (PJWD) was conducted in general accordance with the Routine On-Site Determination method described in the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual published by the USACE in 1987, and the appropriate Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual. All identified resources were assessed using methodology developed by Ohio EPA. STONE’s botanist was also tasked with identification of the state potentially threatened smooth buttonweed (Spermacoce glabra), which was identified in several areas within the site.
STONE worked with ODNR in coordination with the USACE and Ohio EPA determination of impacts to waters of the U.S. based on the delineation report. This determination of impacts was the basis for after-the-fact permitting, all of which were completed within ODNR’s desired quick timeframes.
STONE also provided coordination for ODNR for additional archaeological assessment, as well as assistance with project mapping and compilation and review of data as it pertained to impacts on natural and cultural resources.