Stream Relocation & Monitoring – Reynoldsburg, Ohio

For this industrial facility design-build project, STONE prepared detailed plans and coordinated the application to obtain a Nationwide Permit (NWP) to relocate approximately 1,650 linear feet of stream to allow for the construction of a 100,000 square-foot building expansion. The work included intensive prodding of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) review personnel and obtaining cooperation from Ohio EPA personnel to obtain the NWP. The detailed mitigation plans were also reviewed and approved by the Franklin County Engineer.

STONE was subsequently retained for preparation of the As-Built Survey, easement recordation, and construction reporting to the regulatory agencies and is in the third year of annual monitoring of the stream as required by the USACE. This involves assessment of the stream quality and evaluation of the meeting of permit performance criteria cited in the permit.

STONE also prepared a corrective action planting plan in order to successfully install over 2,000 live stakes of five different species along the stream corridor.

“STONE Environmental was a pleasure to work with. From the planning process to our onsite visit. They knew exactly what we wanted and were able to deliver in a timely fashion.  The on-site field engineer was very resourceful and her attention to the small details was phenomenal. I will be sure to use STONE on all my future environmental surveying projects.”