ODNR Sanitary Sewer Pump Station Upgrade and Force Main Design – East Fork Lake State Park – Clermont County, Ohio

As part of a multi-year Wastewater Systems’ Upgrade contract for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), STONE prepared an engineering evaluation of various pump station types and materials to determine the most suitable and cost-effective method or type for replacement of the existing stations at East Fork Lake State Park, with the focus on structural and maintenance improvements of the stations.

Submersible and suction lift pumps were analyzed and evaluated for each existing pump station location. A “no replacement” alternate was also evaluated for each station location. An analysis and final evaluation was performed for each site utilizing a decision matrix that relied on both objective (such as costs) and subjective factors.

Based on the preliminary engineering study recommendations, detailed plans and specifications were prepared for replacing 10 pump stations. New gravity sewers were proposed for one area, and a new force main proposed at another site. Construction drawings were prepared for bidding. STONE prepared the construction plans and addressed access and security issues at each of the pump station locations.

As the Park is leased from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, care was taken in developing the construction plans to assure that all work proposed would occur in previously disturbed areas to avoid the need for archaeological and wetland/ecological evaluations and possible permitting. An Ohio EPA wastewater permit-to-install (PTI) was obtained for a stretch of new gravity sewer and a new pump station to serve the office and maintenance area of the site. A Notice of Intent (NOI) was also filed to obtain a storm water construction permit, and a corresponding Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan prepared.

STONE is currently providing construction observation services and surveying for as-built drawings for the ongoing activities at this project. Construction administration responsibilities have included review of contractor submittals for adherence to specifications, coordinating project meetings, and approving Contractor invoices.

We have contracted STONE over the past 10 years to assist us with various environmental issues including environmental compliance audits, developments of our facility’s SPCC and SQPP plans, preparation of chemical inventory or Tier 2 reports, and other related environmental services. STONE always responds promptly and provides quality environmental service in a cost-effective manner.