Stormwater Pond Assessment and Pond Management Recommendations – City of Dublin – Dublin, Ohio

STONE assisted the City in assessing the water quality and developing Management Plans for various ponds located on the Ballantrae and Muirfield residential/golf course developments. A majority of these ponds had accumulated sediment and also developed excessive algae growth. The City desired to identify possible impairments, develop management solutions to improve the aesthetics of the ponds, and ultimately develop an Operations and Maintenance Plan for pond management throughout the City.

STONE’s staff used a boat to collect water quality samples and measure sediment depths within each targeted pond. In-situ water quality measurements were conducted (e.g. Secchi depth, turbidity, pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity), but samples were also analyzed at a laboratory (e.g. nitrite, nitrate, TKN, phosphorus, ammonia, algae species). STONE also assessed the surrounding habitat/buffers/plant communities around each pond and examined each sub-watershed for sources of impairment. The City’s design plans and operations were also analyzed, as well as the limitations on golf course alternations due to having Audubon certification. STONE also reviewed design plans, as-built surveys, and maintenance and golf course management practices

STONE ultimately determined the level of impairment within each pond, probable causes of impairment, and a list of operation and maintenance recommendations to mitigate future issues and improve the overall water quality within each pond. A Matrix of Potential Management Solutions was provided, evaluating the difficulty to implement, maintenance effort, costs, and overall ecological improvement for each potential management solution.

I just wanted to reach out to both of you & all of Stone for your outstanding effort, due diligence & professionalism on this project.

I’m certainly no ESA expert, but I was blown away by the detail contained in your report, especially given the tight timeframe that was required for delivery.

Please know that your work at Walnut Grove is very much appreciated by everyone here at POAH.

For the record, I am now a huge fan of Stone Environmental, and I hope we will continue our working relationship well into the future.

Doug Dempsey, POAH