Asbestos and Lead Assessments – Franklin County Fairgrounds Secretary Building – Franklin County Engineer’s Office
Columbus, Ohio

STONE was contracted to conduct hazardous materials assessments at the Franklin County Fairgrounds for a single-story structure built in 1900. Surveys for both Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACM) and Lead-based Paint (LBP) were conducted in preparation for demolition of the structure set to occur in sections at different times.

In general accordance with the National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulations, STONE’s certified Asbestos Hazard Evaluation Specialist visually observed the building for suspected ACM and collect samples of suspect materials for laboratory analysis.

STONE’s trained and certified personnel tested painted surfaces in the building using an X-ray fluorescent (XRF) material analyzer. Each homogenous area, determined based on color, texture, and condition, was tested twice with the XRF analyzer. STONE was also contracted to sample the debris waste stream created during demolition. STONE assisted the client in expediting the sampling and analysis to accommodate the time-sensitive nature of the project.

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“STONE is an instrumental part of our team on the Portsmouth By-Pass Project: the 16-mile new construction project, which is the single largest project in ODOT history. This project has come with more than its share of environmental challenges. STONE has delivered over 30 full environmental clearance reviews and reports we have requested as part of the project, handling them from start to finish in a very timely & cost effective manner. Furthermore, they’ve proven themselves as an extremely valuable resource when it comes to consulting on mitigation efforts, hazardous materials, and resolving various unknown environmental situations that the project has encountered.


From the top down STONE has proven they are committed to excellence and we look forward to working with them on many projects in the future.”